CD Driver Testing, Inc was started in 1997 by Mr Chris Dimanin. Mr Dimanin is Licensed by the Michigan Department of State.
Mr Dimanin has administered over 8,000 road tests as a state licensed examiner. Additionally, he has worked for thirty years as a high school guidance counselor and driver education instructor. With his extensive experience in working with teens and adults, he recognizes the value of attempting to put all examinees at ease. He finds those who are relaxed and well prepared are the most successful.
Haider and Kahlaa Selami are both experienced examiners, who possess a calming and relaxed personality.
Are you a licensed driver, or know of someone who could benefit from having a professionally conducted evaluation of their driving skills?
There are several resons to have one's driving skills reviewed:
1. You'd like to see if your driving skills could use some improvements.
2. You have concerns regarding the driving skills of a friend or family member.
3. The driver's work supervisor may recommmend it for job performance purposes.
This evaluation will be conducted by an experienced, professional examiner who is licensed by the Michigan Department of State. A written evaluation, upon request, may be given.
For details or questions on this service please call 313-443-0062.
Any customer who attempts to bribe an examiner for a favorable test result will have the test immediately terminated. No refund will be given. Additionally, the Michigan Department of State requires that the name and driver license of the person attempting to bribe be forwarded to Lansing.
CD Driver testing, Inc
Third Party Tester #878, authorized by the Michigan Department of State, Third Party Testing Program.